Lenten Midweek Worship for March 10th, 2021
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Sermon: The God of “Us” and “Them”
Text: Jonah 3-4
Focus: God loves everyone and everything he made and desires the salvation of all people.
Function: That they would love people who are different than them.
This sermon was preached extemporaneously and utilized several Scripture passages, primarily the following:
Psalm 112 (especially verse 7)
Luke 21 (esp. vv. 8-11, 28)
2 Timothy 1:7
Sermon: Body and Soul
Text: Matthew 10:21-33; Psalm 91
Focus: Death is not the worst thing that can happen to someone.
Function: That they would not fear death.
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Sermon: Not a Reed
Text: Matthew 11:2-15
Focus: Jesus reassures by his Word that the kingdom of God is coming.
Function: That they would not be discouraged in a fallen, broken world full of persecution.
Do you or a loved one struggle with depression or the desire to die? How does God feed our need for his presence to give us hope and life?