Epiphany Lutheran Church of Castle Rock


550 E. Wolfensberger Road
Castle Rock, CO 80109

Weekly Worship Services

Saturday: 5:00pm
Sunday: 8:00am & 11:00 am

The Season after Pentecost

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Never Again

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Grace, mercy, and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. I am a big fan of science fiction movies, particularly the subgenre of post-apocalyptic worlds. You know the kind, the ones that tell the story of a lone ranger or a tiny band of survivors trying to eke it […]

You Give Them Something to Eat

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Grace, mercy, and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.  Amen!  In today’s Gospel lesson, we have our annual encounter with Jesus’ miraculous feeding of the 5,000.  In actuality, it was more than 5,000, as Matthew tells us: “And those who ate were five thousand men, besides women and children” […]

Traditional Worship service for July 11th, 2021

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traditional worship service

Pastor Chris Matthis preaches about the execution of John the Baptist (Mark 6:14-29) and how Christ died to save sinners – no matter how wretched – that they would repent of their sins and not allow their vices to overcome them.   For prayer requests or to give an offering visit www.epiphanylc.org   Liturgy from […]

Vice Versus

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Grace, mercy, and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.  Amen!  Today’s Gospel reading is a terrible story.  It’s full of sexual perversion, blood, and gore.  Herod’s birthday party seems more fitting for Game of Thrones than the pristine pages of Scripture.  If this pericope were a movie, it would […]