Epiphany Lutheran Church welcomes children from the Castle Rock community to attend Vacation Bible School each summer. Children must be at least 3 years old by January 1st and potty trained to attend. Children that will be entering 6th grade in the fall will be encouraged to sign up as a volunteer instead of attending as a participant. VBS Families will be asked to pay $20 per child once they register. This fee will be waived for any family that has at least one adult or older youth sign up as a volunteer.

Our Summer 2025 VBS theme is EPIC Australian Adventure. This summer our Vacation Bible School will be held June 23rd – 27th from 9:00 AM – Noon. Join us this summer for an Unforgettable Journey with Jesus at Epiphany Lutheran Church’s Vacation Bible School! We’re going on an epic adventure through Australia, and you’re invited! Every morning we will enjoy music, Bible stories, crafts, games, and snacks. And most importantly, we’ll be guided by our Savior, Jesus, who tells us, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life” in our theme verse, John 14:6.

To register kids and/or volunteers, please visit: https://vbsmate.com/events/EpiphanyLutheranCastleRockCO/30080