ALTAR GUILD – The Altar Guild is a team that supports the Church ministry by preparing the altar weekly for communion and worship. Members rotate weekend responsibilities.
USHER – Greet and assist congregation when arriving for Service
Lector – Assists with reading the word during services.
CHILDRENS MESSAGES –Each service, children are invited to the church’s front to hear a special “kid-sized” version of the Gospel message. The Children’s Message is an opportunity for youngsters to get the Holy Gospel delivered in a just way unique to them. Epiphany staff and congregation members take turns providing these messages.
ACOLYTE – Youth are strongly encouraged, especially at confirmation age, to participate in the service by lighting the altar and communion candles.
ADULT, CHILDREN, AND BELL CHOIRS and PRAISE TEAM Music is a beautiful gift to God. We can learn the gospel through music, connect with God in unique ways. At Epiphany, we offer many ways to participate in musical worship.