Epiphany Lutheran Church of Castle Rock


550 E. Wolfensberger Road
Castle Rock, CO 80109

Weekly Worship Services

Saturday: 5:00pm
Sunday: 8:00am & 11:00 am

Lazarus, Come Out!

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Grace, mercy, and peace to you from God our Father and our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  Amen.  Jesus’ raising of Lazarus from the dead is the pivotal moment at the dead center of John’s Gospel (pun intended).  It is the last miracle Jesus performs before his own death and resurrection.  And, of course, Lazarus […]

The Hills of Lent: Mount of Olives

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Grace, mercy, and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ!  Amen.  Last week we were to stand on Mt. Zion in Jerusalem, where King Solomon built and devoted the first Temple of Yahweh, the LORD God of Israel.  Today we stand opposite of Mt. Zion on a slightly taller mountain […]

Mount Sinai

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Imagine that you are on Mount Sinai, the mountain of the Lord, in the desert of modern-day Saudi Arabia. You are south of Israel, south even of modern-day Jordan. The year is about 12 or 1300 BC, and you are on the mountain with Moses where God would one day give his Ten Commandments to […]