Lenten Midweek Worship for February 24th, 2021
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Click PDF document icon to download bulletin.
The video was recorded at Ascension Lutheran Church, Littleton, Colorado. Pastor Larson shared the same sermon at Epiphany the following week.
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Sermon: Life in Prayer
Text: Mark 1:29-39
Focus: Jesus found rest in prayer to the Father.
Function: That they would seek out lonely places to pray and enter into relationship with God.
Sermon: Prepare Ye: Ponder
Text: Luke 1:5-25
Focus: Zechariah prepared for God’s kingdom by his sacrifice of prayer.
Function: That they would hasten the coming of Christ by praying for his return.
Sermon: “Restore Us, O God!”
Text: Psalm 85
Focus: The world is in ruin because of human sin.
Function: That God would restore us by repentance and grace.
This is the video of the prayer vigil–minus congregation members’ prayers, which were unintelligible on the recording because they were not miked.
Sermon: Going to the Dogs
Text: Matthew 15:21-28
Focus: All of God’s promises find their Yes in Jesus.
Function: That they will persist in prayer, not giving up on God’s grace.
Sermon: The “Other” Lord’s Prayer
Text: Luke 10:1-9; Titus 1:1-9
Focus: Jesus instructs us to pray for pastors.
Function: That they would pray for their pastor and ask God to send more pastors.