Sermon: Cravings
Text: Numbers 11
Focus: God punishes his people for complaining.
Function: That they would be content and grateful for God’s gracious provision.
Sermon: Cravings
Text: Numbers 11
Focus: God punishes his people for complaining.
Function: That they would be content and grateful for God’s gracious provision.
Sermon: Jesus, the Servant of All
Text: Mark 9:30-37; James 3:13–4:10
Focus: The Lord Jesus became the Servant of all when he laid down his life on the cross.
Sermon: “Help My Unbelief!”
Text: Mark 9:14-29
Focus: Jesus’ mercy overcomes our doubts.
Function: That their faith would be strengthened through Jesus’ Word and acts of mercy.
Sermon: “Be Opened!”
Text: Mark 7:31-37
Focus: Jesus opens our ears to hear his Word and frees our tongues to tell forth his praise.
Function: That they would gladly hear and learn God’s holy Word.
Sermon: Stand!
Text: Ephesians 6:10-20
Focus Statement: God gives us the weapons for our spiritual battle against the devil.
Function Statement: That they would stand in Christ’s victory over Satan.
Sermon: Dying to Love
Text: Ephesians 5:21-33
Focus Statement: In his great love, Christ died for his bride, the Church.
Function Statement: That husbands and wives would love and serve one another without keeping score.
Some of the things Jesus says are hard to understand or even downright offensive–like when he says that we should eat his flesh and drink his blood. Jesus is not encouraging vampirism or cannibalism, of course, so what in the world is he talking about?
Do you or a loved one struggle with depression or the desire to die? How does God feed our need for his presence to give us hope and life?
Sermon: Got Bread?
Texts: Exodus 16:2-15; John 6:22-35
Focus Statement: God provides for all of our needs—physical and spiritual.
Function Statement: That they would trust and be glad in God’s gracious provision.
Sermon: Just Passing By
Texts: Mark 6:45-56
Focus Statement: Jesus is Lord (Yahweh).
Function Statement: That they would be saved by believing in the divinity of Christ.