Restore Us, O God (sermon based on Psalm 85)
Sermon: “Restore Us, O God!”
Text: Psalm 85
Focus: The world is in ruin because of human sin.
Function: That God would restore us by repentance and grace.
Sermon: “Restore Us, O God!”
Text: Psalm 85
Focus: The world is in ruin because of human sin.
Function: That God would restore us by repentance and grace.
Click PDF document icon above to download bulletin.
Click PDF document icon above to download bulletin.
We keep score in sports, of course, but what happens when we keep score in our relationships? And what happens when we stop? Find out in this message about God’s unfailing forgiveness.
Let The Watch Begin: Keep Awake! Mark 13:32-37
1.The Christian Life Is A Life of Watchful Anticipation, Mark 13:32-33
A. Jesus will appear like a flash of lightning, Matt. 24:27
B. He will come in a time that is deceptively normal, Luke 17:26-27
C. And It will be a time when you least expect it. I Thess. 5:2
II. The Christian Life Is A Life of Watchful Assurance, Mark 13:37
Sermon: “What Wonderful Stones!”
Text: Mark 13:1-2
Focus: We are God’s Temple now.
Function: That they would see the Church as a living, growing entity—not just a building.
Sermon: The Widow’s Might (Reprise)
Text: Mark 12:38-44
Focus: God gives us everything we need.
Function: That they would joyfully give back to God through tithes and offerings to the Church.
Sermon: Saving Rich Men’s Souls
Text: Mark 10:17-31; Ecclesiastes 5:10-20
Focus: The love of money is an idol that robs our hearts and kills our faith.
Function: Only by God’s grace can the wealthy be saved.
Jesus plus nothing equals everything!
Sermon: The Blessing of Woman
Text: Genesis 2:18-25
Focus: God created woman to be a helper to her husband.
Function: That they would love and honor their spouse as God intended.