Sermon: Laughter
Text: Genesis 15-21
Focus: God keeps all his promises.
Function: Even when God’s Word seems too good to be true, he makes good on his promises.
Sermon: Laughter
Text: Genesis 15-21
Focus: God keeps all his promises.
Function: Even when God’s Word seems too good to be true, he makes good on his promises.
Sermon: Where Is the Lamb?
Text: Genesis 22:1-19
Focus: Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
Function: That they would praise God for his abundant mercy and grace in Jesus’ sacrifice on cross.
Sermon: Tents
Text: Mark 9:2-9
Focus: God’s glory “tents” in Jesus’ body.
Function: That they would look forward to the return of Christ in glory.
Sermon: A Lonely Place
Text: Mark 1:29-39
Focus: Jesus found solitude in prayer to the Father.
Function: That they would set aside their busy schedules to seek the Lord in prayer.