Epiphany Lutheran Church of Castle Rock


550 E. Wolfensberger Road
Castle Rock, CO 80109

Weekly Worship Services

Saturday: 5:00pm
Sunday: 8:00am & 11:00 am

Series B

91100 of 104 items

Testing the Spirits

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Sermon: Testing the Spirits
Text: 1 John 4:1-11
Focus: The Incarnate Word saves us from our sins and false teaching.
Function: That they would “test the spirits” to discern whether preaching and teaching are true.

Rocky Hearts


We often talk about the fact that we’re “saved by grace” as an article of faith. But what does grace really mean? And why does it make an eternal difference in our lives?

House of Prayer

What barriers gets in the way of people coming to our church? Is there anyone we wittingly or unwittingly check at the door or bar from feeling welcome and safe? Jesus cleansed the Temple to show that all barriers of race, sex, and class are over; all are one in Christ.