No Greater Love
Sermon: No Greater Love
Text: John 15:9-17
Focus: Jesus loves us as the Father loves him.
Function: That they would love one another as Christ loves them.
Sermon: No Greater Love
Text: John 15:9-17
Focus: Jesus loves us as the Father loves him.
Function: That they would love one another as Christ loves them.
Abide in Jesus through his Word and Sacraments to have his life in you.
Sermon: Testing the Spirits
Text: 1 John 4:1-11
Focus: The Incarnate Word saves us from our sins and false teaching.
Function: That they would “test the spirits” to discern whether preaching and teaching are true.
Sermon: I Shall Not Want
Text: Psalm 23:1
Focus: God gives us everything we need.
Function: That they would be content and thankful for all of God’s gifts.
Sermon: Hands and Feet
Text: Luke 24:36-49
Focus: The risen Jesus gives us peace.
Function: That they would take comfort in the literal, physical death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The Incarnate Christ Is Also the Risen Lord Jesus.
Sermon: The Last Enemy
Text: Isaiah 25:6-9; 1 Corinthians 15:12-26
Focus: Jesus saves us from death by the power of his resurrection.
Function: That they would believe in the resurrection of the Son of God.
Sermon: Take, Eat, Drink
Texts: Mark 14:12-26; Matt. 26:26-28; 1 Cor. 10:16-17
Focus: We are one Body in Christ.
Function: That they would see the Body and Blood of Jesus in the fellowship of bread and wine.
We often talk about the fact that we’re “saved by grace” as an article of faith. But what does grace really mean? And why does it make an eternal difference in our lives?
What barriers gets in the way of people coming to our church? Is there anyone we wittingly or unwittingly check at the door or bar from feeling welcome and safe? Jesus cleansed the Temple to show that all barriers of race, sex, and class are over; all are one in Christ.