Pastor Chris Matthis has been our shepherd since 2011. Pastor Chris is a graduate of Concordia University Wisconsin (B.A.) and Concordia Seminary, St. Louis (M.Div.). He and his wife Lisa have three children. His interests include strategy board games, building LEGO, playing guitar, and exploring the National Parks. Pastor Chris’s articles, essays, and sermons have appeared in several print and online publications, and he is a frequent guest on KFUO (St. Louis AM radio station). You may listen to his sermons in our sermon archive.

Pastor Chris Matthis

Lisa Matthis
Lisa Matthis is our new Director of Christian Education (DCE) for Children, Youth, and Families. Born and raised in the Kansas City area, she graduated with her B.A. from Concordia University Nebraska (2006). Lisa is dual certified as a DCE and Lutheran elementary school teacher. She has served congregations and schools in Iowa and Colorado. Lisa enjoys singing in choir, photography, reality TV, and many kinds of handicrafts, including sewing clothes for her three children.
Pastor Michael Huntley
Pastor Mike is our Assistant Pastor of Missional Living. He joined our staff in July 2023 after completing the LCMS colloquy process. Pastor Mike serves as Supervisory Patent Examiner in artificial intelligence at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Previously, he served as a pastor in Illinois, Tennessee, and Alabama. Pastor Mike has degrees in electrical engineering from the U.S. Air Force Academy and Florida State University. He received the Master of Divinity (M.Div.) degree from Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary in Columbia, SC, and the Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) from Luther Seminary in St. Paul, MN. He is married to Kim and has two adult children, Adam and Rachel. Pastor Mike’s interests include computers and electronics, computer programming, enjoying the mountains, and recovery work at the Douglas County jail.
Donata Rolf
Donata Rolf is Epiphany’s remote Administrative Assistant. After working in the office for nearly 8 years, she returned to our staff Summer ’23. She has a degree in Wildlife Management, which is a necessary skill to work with all our church’s staff.
Debbie Stewart
Debbie Stewart is our accounting specialist and long-time church member. She oversees our church’s payroll, bookkeeping, accounts payable, and benefits plan.
Christy Brown
Christy Brown is our new Receptionist. She feels blessed and honored to be a member of the staff at Epiphany. It is a gift for her to serve our Lord in this capacity. Christy and her husband have three children in college and one in high school. They have lived in Colorado for twelve years. Previously, they lived in North Carolina, where all their children were born. An animal loving family, they have a dog, two cats, and one ferret that make their family whole. Christy enjoys spending time outdoors gardening, tending to her birdfeeders and birdbaths, and hiking in our beautiful state. She finds connection with Almighty God through His creations.
Dave Ellison
Dave Ellison serves as the Adult Choir Director, Worship Accompanist, and Accompanist for the Children’s Choir. Dave is originally from South Dakota and spent the last 18 years in Minnesota before moving to Colorado. Dave holds degrees in music from Texas Lutheran University (Bachelor of Music Education), the University of South Dakota (Master of Music), and the Institute for Worship Studies (Doctor of Worship Studies). He has taught music at all levels from Kindergarten through University. The last 37 years he served as a full time Director of Worship and Music in three different congregations. Dave enjoys cooking and spending time with family. His adult daughters and grandchildren live in the Denver area.
David Chavez
David Chavez is our Director of Video and Digital Media. Originally from New York City, David discovered his passion for cinema early on. As a Colorist for PBS and Turner Classic Movies, he has worked on widely resonant shows and documentaries. Now based in Colorado, he co-runs a 72 Hour film festival and Maxxed Out Films, supporting emerging filmmakers. David cherishes cinema as both a refuge and a powerful medium for inspiration. He is actively pursuing his own filmmaking dreams, with several projects in the works, contributing to the rich tapestry of cinematic expression.