What does The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod do? We make known the love of Christ through mission and outreach, helping people, education and other churchwide initiatives.
Emphasis for the Church
“Witness, Mercy, Life Together” describes how the church lives and works together to proclaim the Gospel and to care for people in need in our congregations, communities and throughout the world.
Mission and Outreach
A long-standing emphasis on and commitment to “go and make disciples of all nations” drives the people of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) to reach out to those around them with the Truth.
Helping People
We recognize the importance of caring for body and soul, demonstrating the unconditional compassion and love of God in Jesus Christ through works of mercy and meeting human need.
As a respected leader in the field of education, the LCMS places great emphasis on instruction in the Word. Our congregations administer the largest Protestant school system in the United States. In addition, two seminaries and ten colleges and universities operate under the auspices of the LCMS.
Taken from ‘What We Do’, LCMS Website http://www.lcms.org/whatwedo